lovefifa 17

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FIFA 17 is out in North America. Here are tips for FIFA 17 Ultimate Team to Cheapest Fifa Coins turn you from Mickey mediocrity to Ultimate warrior.

Use the Manager Tasks. It walks you through the basics of setting up your team, using the transfer market, how to use chemistry, and so on, says Ultimate Team producer Garreth Reeder. The tasks take you though these steps without forcing you into it. You can do it at your own pace. Each of the 14 tasks has a specific reward, such as a rare gold player.

Get hooked on Squad Building Challenges. This enables you to trade sets of cards sometimes in small numbers, sometimes a full team – in exchange for rewards. The simplest invite you to swap, say, an all-bronze team for a bunch of silver cards, but the mode goes way way deeper. For instance, exchange complete teams for all 20 MLS clubs and in addition to individual rewards each time you trade one in, you also earn a special 86-rated Giovinco card and 20000 additional coins.

Ones to watch. The big one is the Ones To Watch campaign, which starts on September 30. That’s a squad of the top summer transfers. The cards for these are black with highlight stripes of bronze, silver and gold. They’re wild cards in a way. If you get one of these items, every time that player is in Team Of The Week for the rest of the season, he’ll automatically be updated (with a stats increase). But you might get a player who, based on your football knowledge, you don’t think has a chance at TOTW, so decide to put him on the transfer market. There’s a big risk-reward element.

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