lovefifa 17

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The key configurations for defending are shown to FIFA Coins PS3 the right. Number 1 is modify autoswitching to Airballs. Which means you have to manually change gamers unless in the air when it recommendations the player the ball is actually heading for autoswitching shift assistance means when you change to a player they keep moving somewhat in the direction they were dealing with rather than simply stopping.

This might be simple or hard depends on your own opponent. Look for patterns as well as use the knowledge you learn with this page to stop them. Include the next pass and gamers in space if a outrepasser. Use jockeying if they utilize skills. Drop defenders as well as midfielders deeper if they like to do lob through balls.

If they like to cross it have extra cover down your wings or force them inside. Once you get used to reading opponents you will improve your attacking play as it will help you learn how the best players defend. It is also a good idea to mix up your defensive style. So you could use a high pressure tactic and run at his players for a few minutes, then change to a more relaxed containing position. It is as useful as mixing up your attack.

If there is a gap between you and the player with the ball pressing tackle will actually make your player lunge at them with his leg. This is best when in front of a player running at you or if you are running towards the player from an angle and quite close. If too much of a gap your player will lunge at space and his leg will be stuck out meaning you can’t control him quickly again. Sometimes players do this themselves if you aren’t controlling them and it makes it easier for attackers to run round them.

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  • ulricagina fifa17

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